Safety Training, Staffing, Consulting and Supplies

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    • Bring a group

    Taking management and workers on a walkaround is a great way to oversee the process and involve everyone in every aspect of the work. It’s also helpful to bring someone who knows nothing about the work, as they might ask questions you don’t think of. So, grab your walking shoes and let’s take a stroll around the workplace!

    • Reward the good

    Hey there, here’s a nifty tip for you – make sure to highlight two stellar things your workers are doing before addressing any errors. This approach not only boosts morale but also helps in easing any tension during the next safety walkaround. Remember, positivity goes a long way in creating a safe and happy work environment!

    • Document your findings

    After completing the stroll, it is recommended to gather everyone’s notes and snapshots to compile a comprehensive report. This report should highlight all the discoveries made during the stroll, whether they are uplifting or not-so-great. It is crucial to share this report with the entire team to ensure everyone is on the same page. In addition, it is important to take the necessary steps to fix any slip-ups and ensure that mistakes are not repeated in the future. This collaborative approach will help to improve the overall productivity and efficiency of the team.

    • Prioritize fixes

    Hazard prioritization is a crucial process that helps to identify and prioritize potential hazards in a systematic manner. To create a matrix that features hazard prioritization, we can use five levels of exposure, namely frequent, probably, occasional, remote, and improbable. Additionally, we can divide the severity of injury into four categories, including negligible, marginal, critical, and catastrophic. This matrix will help to categorize each hazard based on its level of exposure and severity of injury. It is important to note that anything that poses an immediate danger should be handled right away to prevent any harm. By using this matrix, we can effectively prioritize hazards and take necessary actions to mitigate the risks associated with them.

    • Follow up, then do it again

    After conducting a walkaround inspection, it is advisable to revisit the site a week later to verify if the identified hazards have been effectively addressed and to ensure that the implemented solutions are functioning as intended. Subsequently, it is recommended to conduct follow-up checks at monthly intervals and then again at three-month intervals to maintain a proactive approach towards hazard management and ensure sustained workplace safety. Regular monitoring and evaluation of the corrective measures will help in identifying any potential risks early on and allow for timely adjustments to be made, thereby fostering a safe and healthy work environment.

    Demonstrating care and concern for employees is crucial in fostering a positive work environment and promoting best practices within an organization. By following these steps, you can effectively communicate your appreciation for your team members and create a culture of support and collaboration. This approach not only boosts employee morale but also enhances productivity and overall performance.

    To some people, the word “housekeeping” calls to mind cleaning floors and surfaces, removing dust, and organizing clutter. It means much more in a work setting.

    Housekeeping is crucial for safe workplaces. It can help prevent injuries and improve productivity and morale, as well as make a good first impression on visitors. It also can help an employer avoid potential fines for non-compliance.

    The practice extends from traditional offices to industrial workplaces, including factories, warehouses and manufacturing plants that present special challenges such as hazardous materials, combustible dust, and other flammables. Experts agree that all workplace safety programs should incorporate housekeeping, and every worker should play a part.

    Prevent slips, trips, and falls

    Slips, trips, and falls cause nonfatal occupational injuries or illnesses involving days away from work.

    To help prevent slip, trip, and fall incidents, we recommend the following:

    o Report and clean up spills and leaks.
    o Keep aisles and exits clear of items.
    o Consider installing mirrors and warning signs to help with blind spots.
    o Replace worn, ripped or damaged flooring.
    o Consider installing anti-slip flooring in areas that can’t always be cleaned.
    o Use drip pans and guards.

    In addition, provide mats, platforms, false floors or “other dry standing places” where useful, according to OSHA. Every workplace should be free of projecting nails, splinters, holes, and loose boards.

    Eliminate fire hazards

    Employees should be responsible for keeping unnecessary combustible materials from accumulating in the work area. Combustible waste should be “stored in covered metal receptacles and disposed of daily,” according to OSHA’s Hazardous Materials Standard (1910.106).

    o Keep combustible materials in the work area only in amounts needed for the job. When they are unneeded, move them to an assigned safe storage area.
    o Store quick-burning, flammable materials in designated locations away from ignition sources.
    o Avoid contaminating clothes with flammable liquids. Change clothes if contamination occurs.
    o Keep passageways and fire doors free of obstructions. Stairwell doors should be kept closed. Do not store items in stairwells.

    o Hazards in electrical areas should be reported, and work orders should be issued to fix them.
    o An industrial hygienist should test the workplace for exposures if air quality and dust are concerns.
    o Dust also can affect equipment’s length of life and quality of products.

    Avoid tracking materials

    Work-area mats – which can be cloth or sticky-topped – should be kept clean and maintained. This helps prevent the spread of hazardous materials to other work areas or home. Check all mats to ensure they are not tripping hazards.

    Additionally, separate cleaning protocols may be needed for different areas to prevent cross- contamination. For example, avoid using the same mop to clean both an oily spill and in another area.

    If the materials are toxic, industrial hygiene testing, uniforms and showering facilities might be needed. Employees who work with toxic materials should not wear their work clothes home.

    Prevent falling objects

    Protections such as a toe board, toe rail or net can help prevent objects from falling and hitting workers or equipment.

    Other tips include stacking boxes and materials straight up and down to keep them from falling. Place heavy objects on lower shelves and keep equipment away from the edges of desks and tables. Also, refrain from stacking objects in areas where workers walk, including aisles.

    Keep layout in mind so workers are not exposed to hazards as they walk through areas.

    Clear clutter

    A cluttered workplace can lead to ergonomics issues and possible injuries because workers have less space to move.

    Workers should be encouraged to return tools and other materials to storage after using them and dispose of materials that are no longer needed.

    Keep aisles, stairways, emergency exits, electrical panels and doors clear of clutter, and purge untidy areas. Empty trash receptacles before they overflow.

    Store materials properly

    Storage areas should not have an accumulation of materials that present hazards for tripping, fire, explosion, or pests.

    Some workers make the mistake of storing ladders or other items inside electrical closets where they can block an electrical panel, creating a fire hazard and violating OSHA regulations.

    Unused materials and equipment should be stored out of the way of workers. Avoid using workspaces for storage and remember to put everything back in its proper place.

    It is recommended keeping a storage space nearby so workers are encouraged to use it.

    Use and inspect personal protective equipment and tools.

    Employees who did not wear PPE when cleaning up spills or other material, such as broken glass or plywood, will suffer cuts or splinters.

    Wear basic PPE – such as closed-toe shoes and safety glasses – while performing housekeeping. Determine what type of PPE to wear based on the potential risks.

    Regularly inspect, clean and fix tools. Remove any damaged tools from the work area.

    Determine frequency

    All workers should participate in housekeeping, especially in terms of keeping their own work areas tidy, reporting safety hazards, and cleaning up spills, if possible.

    Before the end of a shift, workers should inspect and clean their workspaces and remove unused materials. This dedication can reduce time spent cleaning later.

    How much debris or contaminants the workplace releases can help determine the frequency of housekeeping. A company should have a mixture of deep cleaning and more frequent, lighter cleaning that involves sweeping and responding to spills.

    Create written rules

    Housekeeping policies should be put in writing, that way, they are formal and defined. Written protocols could specify which cleaners, tools and methods should be used.

    Think long-term

    Housekeeping should be more than a one-time initiative – it should continue through monitoring and auditing. Keep records, maintain a regular walkthrough inspection schedule, report hazards and train employees to help sustain housekeeping. Set goals and expectations, and base auditing
    on those goals.

    In order to foster a safe and secure work environment, it is essential to develop strong safety habits. Here are eight key habits that can help organizations build an effective safety culture. By implementing these habits, companies can reduce accidents, protect their employees, and
    enhance productivity. From promoting open communication to providing regular safety training, these habits can make a significant difference in creating a culture where safety is a top priority.

    1) Stop Making Safety a Priority.

    Safety is a crucial aspect of any workplace or activity, but it shouldn’t be treated as just another item on a to-do list. Rather, safety should be ingrained as a core value within an organization or individual. By prioritizing safety, we risk treating it as a checkbox item that can be overlooked or rushed through. On the other hand, by making safety a value, we create a culture of mindfulness and accountability, where each person takes responsibility for their own safety and that of others. Let’s shift our mindset from simply prioritizing safety to valuing it as an integral part of our daily lives.

    2) Make it Safe to Raise Concerns.

    Provide a safe and confidential platform for employees to raise concerns without fear of retaliation. We understand the importance of creating a culture of trust and transparency, which is why this system allows for anonymous reporting and secure communication between employees and management. By implementing this solution, organizations can demonstrate their commitment to fostering a safe and respectful workplace for all employees.

    3) Make Safety a Responsibility of Operations.

    The importance of safety cannot be overstated, and it is essential to create a culture that prioritizes it. By making safety a responsibility of operations, you can establish a safety culture that empowers everyone to take ownership of their own safety and that of their colleagues. This approach enables you to focus on leading indicators, identify potential risks, and take proactive measures to prevent incidents from happening. Implementing safety habits in your operations can help you achieve this goal. These habits are designed to instill a safety-first mindset, cultivate a culture of accountability, and promote continuous improvement. By making safety a priority, you can create a safer work environment, reduce incidents, and improve overall performance.

    4) Focus Left of Zero.

    Just culture is an essential component of any safety management system. By tracking and trending information from the field, we can identify potential accidents before they occur. When the first four habits are implemented together, we can proactively mitigate risks and prevent accidents. With our expertise in safety management, we can help you establish a just culture and enhance safety in your organization. Contact us today to learn more.

    5) Stop Managing People.

    This habit focuses on leadership principles that are essential in creating a culture that is sustainable in every environment. The only constant in life is that things will change. Be prepared to lead your team no matter what comes your way.

    6) Stop Trying to Fix the Worker and Fix the Work.

    Are you tired of constantly trying to motivate and improve your employees, only to see little to no results? It’s time to shift your focus from fixing the worker to fixing the work. In today’s fast-paced and ever-changing work environment, it’s crucial to provide employees with the tools and resources they need to be successful. By taking a revolutionary approach to employee productivity, you can create a work environment that fosters growth, creativity, and innovation. Instead of blaming your employees for underperformance, take a hard look at your company’s systems and processes. Are they outdated? Inefficient? Inflexible? By fixing the work, you can empower your employees to reach their full potential and achieve greater success.

    Join the movement and start fixing the work today!

    7) Find the STCKY (stuff that can kill you) and Stop the SIF (serious injuries and fatalities).

    Ensuring safety at work is crucial to prevent serious injuries and fatalities. The STCKY is an initiative that aims to raise awareness about potential hazards in the workplace. By identifying and eliminating STCKY items, we can create a safer work environment for everyone. This initiative focuses on preventing SIF by identifying and mitigating potential hazards. By increasing STCKY awareness and implementing safety measures, we can help keep our workers safe and reduce the number of workplace injuries and fatalities.

    8) Stop Trying to Influence Everyone.

    It’s natural to want to be liked and respected by everyone around you, but trying to influence everyone can actually have the opposite effect. When you try to please everyone, you dilute your message and make it less impactful. Instead, focus on your core values and the audience that resonates with them. By speaking authentically to this group, you’ll build a stronger connection and be more likely to inspire action. Remember, it’s better to have a small group of passionate supporters than a large group of lukewarm followers. Don’t waste your energy trying to influence everyone – target those who matter most to your cause.

    All safety programs should be built on the principles of human performance. Use these five principles designed by safety expert and author, Todd Conklin:
    o Error is normal. Even the best people make mistakes.
    o Blame fixes nothing. Learning and improving are vital. Learning is deliberate.
    o How you respond to failure matters. How leaders act and respond counts.
    o Context influences behavior. Systems drive outcomes.

    You can select as many or as few principles as you’d like. It all depends on your organization and what it is you are trying to accomplish.

    Also, consider the following:

    o Workers aren’t the problem; workers are the problem solvers.
    o Safety doesn’t prevent bad things from happening; rather, safety ensures good things
    happen while workers perform tasks in complex and adaptive work environments.
    o Safety is not defined by the absence of incidents but by the presence of capacity.

    There is a long list of possibilities for what can contribute to or cause a workplace injury. Unsafe conditions and unsafe acts are often the root cause of why injuries occur. Unsafe acts, especially, are a huge factor in the majority of workplace injuries. An estimated 80 out of 100 people who are involved in an incident are at fault for it. In this safety talk, we have five common contributing factors to workplace injuries.

    Five Contributing Factors:

    Distractions – There are many distractions that can take away focus from the work task at hand. These distractions can be in our actual work environment, such as clutter or noise, or a mental distraction. Mental distractions stemming from what is going on in our home life can serve as a huge disruption to getting tasks done safely at work.

    Complacency – Many workers do the same tasks over and over for many years. Because of this familiarity with their work, complacency can set in. Complacency leads to taking shortcuts or not following normal work procedures. When this occurs, an injury is more likely to occur on the job.

    Poor Housekeeping – Housekeeping is a major issue in some workplaces. Poor housekeeping leads to many different hazards. Some common injuries include slips, trips, falls, lacerations, sprains, and strains. A lack of housekeeping often is a signal that there are larger safety issues at hand.

    Poor Preplanning – The lack of planning leads to a huge number of issues. When the hazards of a new task are not evaluated prior to work beginning, hazards are going to be left uncontrolled. This leaves employees at risk for injury. Poor preplanning can also lead to issues with not having the correct equipment, tools, materials, personnel, and training for the work, as well as a lack of time to get the job done. All of these issues have their own unique safety implications.

    Taking Shortcuts – A major unsafe act that results in many workplace injuries is taking shortcuts. There are various reasons why a worker takes a shortcut, but eventually, enough safety shortcuts will lead to a workplace injury.

    Effective communication is critical to every aspect of a successful job. Being able to work safely especially relies on effective communication between everyone involved in a work task or on a jobsite. Effective communication requires having honest conversations, which includes bringing
    up and discussing issues as they arise.

    There are an endless amount of possible scenarios of when you should speak up and have an honest conversation to address an issue. Below are some general examples of when you need to stop and communicate an issue to get it resolved prior to continuing on.

    o When you see someone working unsafely.
    o When you do not have the proper training or knowledge to do the task at hand.
    o When you do not have the right tools or personnel to complete the task correctly.

    o When a safeguard is not implemented.
    o When a hazard is present that could injure you or others.

    How to Go About Communicating Issues

    o Take the time to have the conversations that need to be had to correct the situation.
    o Involve the right personnel in discussions.
    o If someone is working unsafely, stop and have a respectful conversation about it. If you do not feel comfortable approaching them, approach a supervisor.
    o Follow-up conversations, if necessary, to ensure the situation was resolved and measures are being taken, so it does not occur again.
    o If necessary, ensure that others outside the immediate work group are informed of the issue and/or the corrective actions of the situation that occurred. For example, an investigation report or lessons learned report may be necessary to inform others in the company, so a similar incident does not occur again.

    Proper communication is crucial for a job to run safely and efficiently. When communication is insufficient or missing totally, there can be many adverse consequences for employees and the company as a whole. Recognizing the safety communication tools for work tasks and the work environment is important to ensure the proper messages are being received.

    When someone says communication, the first thing you may think about is speaking words to another person or sending an email. These are just two ways to communicate, but there are many more ways found at work. Some other examples of communication and safety messages include posters, labels, warnings, bulletins, pictograms, JSAs, SOPs, body language, etc. Depending on any number of factors, each of these tools of communication can be very critical to help improve workplace safety.

    Effective communication and safety go hand in hand. If there is no communication for a given work task, then safety is also missing. Some common tools for communicating a safety message:

    o Training is a way to communicate how to do a task and how to do it safely and is one of the first methods of communication used when preparing for a work task.
    o JSAs are important tools to communicate the steps of a job task, the associated hazards of each step, and the mitigation actions to be able to work safely.
    o Safety meetings and workplace safety communications or toolbox talks discussing work tasks and the associated hazards of the work are very important for work crews. Paying attention to the safety meeting information and safety protocols can protect you during your work task that day or sometime in the future.
    o Labels are found on almost every piece of equipment, tool, and chemical in the workplace. Manufacturers put these health and safety information labels on for a reason. They often relay some of the most important safety information regarding the hazards and safeguards of that product.

    There are many other ways to advocate safety communication in the workplace. Verbal communication is also very important. When you see a situation where someone could be hurt, or there could be property loss, you should always speak up. Have a conversation with the individuals involved in the task to voice your safety concerns. Involve the right personnel to correct a situation before any serious negative consequences occur like employee injuries.
    There are many different methods to communicate a message. It is important to recognize the communication tools used on the job that relay important information for your work task and the work environment. Verbal communication is not the only way to send and receive a message.

    When someone says communication, the first thing you may think about is speaking words to another person or sending an email. These are just two ways to communicate, but there are many more ways found at work. Some other examples of communication include posters, labels, warnings, bulletins, pictograms, JSAs, SOPs, body language, etc. Depending on any number of factors, each of these tools of communication can be very critical to working safely.

    Safety Posters

    Many hours and a lot of money are spent by companies to develop ideas for posters, implement the ideas behind the poster on the job, and print them out for their job sites. Safety posters vary greatly in what information they are displaying. While some just have a few words of motivation, others can give great detail on a common hazard in the workplace. It is important to pay attention to anything the company or a supervisor puts up on the wall. If it
    was decided to spend the resources to develop the poster, then it is important for employees to review and understand the information it is communicating.

    Job Safety Analyses (JSAs)

    Job safety analyses are a proactive tool to prevent incidents, but they are also a method of communication. Much time and thought are spent on developing these tools. If the message that is being conveyed through JSAs is not being read or understood, then the tool does not serve any purpose. Often times JSAs can become repetitive for tasks done over and over, but time should always be given to read the message it is conveying. The message is often the same if you are completing the same task because, more often than not, it is the same hazards that cause the majority of injuries.


    There are labels on just about anything you see in a workplace. All too often, labels are not read over, or unreadable labels are not replaced. Manufacturers of equipment, tools, and chemicals put these labels on for a reason. Labels communicate some of the most important information about a product, including serious hazards, safeguards, and contact information in case of an emergency. Make it a point to review the labels in your work area not only to check to see if they are in good condition but also to understand the message it is stating. If you see a label or symbol you do not understand, look in the owner’s manual or ask a supervisor for its meaning. There are many reasons or excuses an individual will point to when asked why they are not performing a work task the right way. Some of these reasons include:

    o “There is not enough time to do the task the right way”
    o “Management does not enforce the rules or has unrealistic expectations”
    o “I have done it this way for years and nothing bad has ever happened”
    o “I do not have the energy to do the task the way you want it done”

    Regardless of the reason, taking the easy route when it comes to ensuring safe work practices and procedures are being followed leaves you and everyone else around you at risk.

    There are many reasons why we should do our best to do every single task the right way every time. The main reason we should do so is to keep both ourselves and our fellow coworkers safe from being injured on the job.  Another reason why we should do every task the right way is because working safely is good business.

    Keeping people healthy on the job is not only good for the individual workers, but it also helps a business thrive by avoiding unnecessary costs resulting from injuries. When the business does well, everyone benefits in some way.

    Today’s homes burn faster than ever. You may have as little as two minutes to safely escape a home fire from the time the smoke alarm sounds. Your ability to get out of a home during a fire depends on early warning from smoke alarms and advance planning.

    Since 1922, the NFPA has sponsored the public observance of Fire Prevention Week. In 1925, President Calvin Coolidge proclaimed Fire Prevention Week a national observance, making it the longest-running public health observance in our country. During Fire Prevention Week, children, adults, and teachers learn how to stay safe in case of a fire. Firefighters provide lifesaving public education in an effort to drastically decrease casualties caused by fires.

    Fire Prevention Week is observed each year during the week of October 9th in commemoration of the Great Chicago Fire, which began on October 8, 1871, and caused devastating damage. This horrific incident killed more than 250 people, left 100,000 homeless, destroyed more than 17,400 structures, and burned more than 2,000 acres of land.

    In a fire, mere seconds can mean the difference between a safe escape and a tragedy. Fire safety education isn’t just for school children. Teenagers, adults, and the elderly are also at risk in fires, making it important for every member of the community to take some time every October during Fire Prevention Week to make sure they understand how to stay safe in case of a fire.

    Remember the acronym PASS:
    Pull the pin.
    Aim low at the base of the fire.
    Squeeze the handle slowly.
    Sweep the nozzle side to side.

    Not all fire extinguishers will work on every fire. For home use, the NFPA recommends a multi-purpose device large enough to put out a small fire but not so heavy that it will be difficult to handle. Review the instructions once a year.

    According to the Federal Department of Transportation (DOT) a work zone is an area of a highway with construction, maintenance, or utility work activities. Work zones are typically marked by signs, channelizing devices, barriers, pavement markings, and/or work vehicles. Highway, road, street, bridge, tunnel, utility, and other workers for the highway infrastructure are exposed to hazards from outside as well as from inside the work zone.

    You need to raise awareness of Work Zone Safety with your employees. We encourage you to have Safety Meetings or Toolbox Talks with your crews. For crews that are working on projects in work zones, a daily safety meeting at the start of every shift is recommended. If that is not feasible, then weekly safety meetings with every crew member on the project should be held.

    In addition to covering other hazards that are specific to the project and the job site, the points listed below for work zone safety should be emphasized at every safety meeting:

    o Workers need to be visible to any potential traffic and heavy equipment.

    o Safety vests should be worn with hard hats to help the worker stand out and be visible to traffic.

    o Work zones need to be clearly identified both for the safety of the workers and for the public.

    o Federal and State standards regulate the type of signs, barricades, barriers, or channeling devices that can be used.

    o Posted speed, type of work and time of day are all factors that workers should know when required to establish work zones.

    o Workers should obey the requirements of the work zone including wearing the correct safety equipment.

    o Damaged barriers and signs or missing cones or traffic control devices should be reported immediately and replaced as soon as possible.

    o Flaggers must be properly trained and equipped with the correct tools to perform the work.

    o Flagger stations should be located so that an errant vehicle has additional space to stop without entering the workspace.

    For those employees who do not work on the roadside, then consider having a meeting and give tips for driving through work zones. These simple tips could save their life in a work zone:

    Think Orange! When you see orange signs, cones, and barrels, expect a roadside work zone ahead.
    Stay alert! Look for reduced speed limits, narrow driving lanes, and highway workers.
    Pay attention. Work zone signs will tell you exactly what to expect ahead.
    Merge early. If drivers merge as soon as they see the signs, traffic will flow more smoothly.
    Slow down. You may encounter slowed or stopped traffic in an instant. Do not follow too closely. Maintain a safe distance on all sides of your vehicle.
    Minimize distractions. Just because you might be driving slower does not mean it is a good time to check your text messages!
    Plan ahead. Expect delays and allow extra travel time. Select an alternate route if you are running late. 

    The leading cause of highway construction worker injuries and fatalities is contact with construction vehicles, objects, and equipment. These injuries and deaths are preventable.

    LeeMax Safety Solutions has the following safety vests available for purchase:

    o Class 1: General Purpose Hi-Vis Safety Vests – Recommended for warehouse staff, event traffic coordinators or landscapers.

    o Class 2: Reflective (Meets Government Regulations) – Recommended for highways, utility, and emergency work.

    o Class 3: Hi-Vis Safety Vests – Recommended for high-risk environments.

    Contact us to help your employees perform their jobs safely.