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    Together We Can Save Lives (Suicide Prevention)

    In 2020, a mission-driven group of volunteers from across the construction industry came
    together with the goal of saving lives. They collaborated to launch the inaugural Suicide
    Prevention Week for the industry — a week dedicated to raising awareness about the higher-
    than-average number of suicides in the construction industry, and to providing resources to
    help prevent those deaths.

    During Construction Suicide Prevention Week, organizations, like you, have the opportunity to
    participate in this important movement as we all join an effort to get life-changing information
    to the people who need it, lift the stigma surrounding mental health conversations, and come
    together as a community to save lives.

    Suicide is a leading cause of death among working age adults in the United States. It deeply
    impacts workers, families, and communities. In the U.S. there are approximately 123 suicides
    per day which means there is one death every 12 minutes.

    The construction industry has the second highest rate of suicide in the United States at 53.3 per
    100,000 workers according to the Center for Disease Control (CDC). Fortunately, like other
    workplace fatalities, suicides can be prevented.

    A major roadblock to addressing the issue of suicide in the construction industry is the stigma
    associated with the concepts of depression, mental health challenges, and seeking help. This
    stigma makes it incredibly difficult for those who may be considering suicide to get the help
    they need.

    Use the resources provided, on our website, to plan activities with your workers during
    Construction Suicide Prevention Week.

    Here are some specific ideas of ways your organization can participate:

    o Share Who to Call in a Crisis, which is a list of organizations and phone numbers that
    anyone can call when they need help. Many people may not know who they can turn to
    when they need help and this simple act can put that information in front of those who
    need it.

    o Host one or more toolbox talks on topics like construction suicide dangers, reducing
    stigma, recognizing warning signs, how to listen, and how to seek help.

    o Post your efforts on social media. By sharing how your organization is promoting this
    campaign you are proactively working to stamp out the stigma around mental health
    and can prevent deaths by suicide.

    o Hand out, or hang up, the fact sheets to let workers know all the options.
    When developing and improving workplace safety programs, it’s important to remember that
    addressing mental health issues can be as important as preventing physical health hazards on
    the job.


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